Real Help Topical Index | Drupal 10 Test (2024)


Kenneth Copeland’s “I Am Healed” Confessions

Words aren’t meaningless or powerless in your life. They have creative power, just as God demonstrated when He created the heavens and the earth with His words. Now, you have the authority to do the same thing here on earth.

Topic: healing

7 Ways to Become an Expert on Healing

Being an “expert” on healing will help you take what belongs to you with confidence and minister the same thing to others.

Topic: healing love declaration god jesus Promises

15 Scriptures to Stand On to Receive a New Body Part

What body part are you in need of today? An eye, eardrum, heart, kidney, thyroid or hip?

Topic: scriptures healing beliefs

70 Tradition-Busting Scriptures

It’s time to bust through every misconception of God’s Word and tap into the power of the Scriptures.

Topic: scriptures healing prosperity

Gloria Copeland Prays for Your Healing

Jesus provided your healing on the cross, so it would be available to you 365 days a year, 24/7, morning, noon, night—anytime you need it.

Topic: healing prayer

4 Ways to Prepare for Your Healing

Healing always comes. You don’t have to wonder if it’s God’s will for you or if you just have to live with your symptoms for the rest of your life. Healing belongs to you. But while this is true, and you can expect to receive healing, there are some things you need to do to get yourself ready.

Topic: healing forgiveness love

10 Healing Confessions for Every Day

The key to your success lies in consistency. Consistency in what you say, what you believe and how you stand.

Topic: healing speak confession

Healing Scriptures to Speak Daily

To activate and grow your faith for healing, the Word of God is a powerful tool in getting the truth down inside your spirit.

Topic: healing faith speak

Declarations of Faith for Finances, Healing and Relationships

Start building your faith today by speaking these declarations of faith for your finances, healing and relationships.

Topic: finances healing relationships

How to Take Communion for Your Healing

If you’re facing sickness or disease in your body today, you may already be speaking healing confessions and standing on God’s Word for healing.

Topic: communion healing jesus

Is It God’s Will to Heal Me?

Sometimes it’s easy to have faith for God to heal someone else…but when it comes to healingyouand you haven’t seen the end result yet, you can’t help but wonder…Is it God’s will to heal me?

Topic: healing jesus

Scriptures to Stand Against High Blood Pressure

If you are ready to experience a positive change in your blood pressure, there’s good news—“[Jesus] was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Your healing—even from high blood pressure—is at hand.

Topic: healing bible

Stand for Your Healing From Bronchitis

Each year more than 10 million people battle bronchitis. Inflammation and irritation of a person’s airways can leave the sufferer miserable. If you or a loved one are struggling with bronchitis, then begin confessing these scriptures over yourself immediately.

Topic: healing adversity

Scriptures to Stand Against Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association reports that more than 25 million people have been diagnosed with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.[1] If you are among the many people standing for your healing, here are seven scriptures for you to stand against diabet

Topic: bible healing hope

The 4-Step Plan to Healing Chronic Pain

If you are one of the 1.5 billion people suffering from chronic pain, I’ve got good news for you: Jesus took your pain to the cross! Often in my Healing School services, I hear from people suffering from lower back pain, bulging disks, fibromyalgia and more.

Topic: healing bible choices

The Healing Miracles of Jesus: A Study

Have you heard the good news? Healing is for today! A lot of well-meaning Christians struggle to believe that God wants to heal them. They even go so far as to believe illness is part of God’s plan for their lives. It’s a lie that the enemy happily perpetuates through the Body of Christ.

Topic: healing faith

Scriptures to Stand Against Infertility

If you and your spouse are struggling against infertility, declare these scriptures. Print them, read them, meditate them and speak them over your family. And if you need someone to agree with you in prayer, call the KCM Prayer Line at +1-817-852-6000.

Topic: prayer children healing bible

How To Strengthen Your Physical Body Using God’s Word

His secret for long, strong life, echoed throughout the Bible, is the only one that really works. He proved it beyond any doubt by staying youthful to the ripe old age of 120.

Topic: bible healing strength

Want to Be Healed? 6 Things You Should Know

Are you ready for your healing? Are you ready to experience wholeness head to toe? If so, there are a few things you should know.

Topic: healing

Does God's Glory Appear Any More

You’ve read about the glory of God in the Bible. Moses saw it. The psalmist sang about it. Isaiah wrote about it. But what does it mean for today’s Christian? Does God’s glory ever appear anymore? Thankfully, the answer is yes.

Topic: healing jesus

3 Examples of Supernatural Faith

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (KJV). It is, quite simply, trusting God and His Word more than anything you can see in the natural.

Topic: faith healing trust choices salvation adversity

Fill Your Life With God’s Word

Sometimes I think that’s why God chose me to teach about the truth of God’s Word and how to apply it—because I’m simple. When I read the Word of God, I just believe it is speaking to me personally.

Topic: bible truth trust healing words choices

6 Keys to Living a Healthy, Happy Life

Are you living the life you want to live? Are your spirit, mind and body in perfect sync? Do you greet each morning with joy? If not, you may not be living the healthy, happy life God desires you to live.

Topic: healing forgiveness bible beliefs

What Can Stop Jesus’ Healing Power?

You’ve heard the news: Jesus heals. But can it really be that simple? Can Jesus really heal your illnesses?

Topic: healing faith words beliefs trust truth

VIDEO: Prayer for Strength

Join in agreement with Kenneth Copeland as he prays for and receives the supernatural strength God promised us.

Topic: healing strength prayer faith

Receive Your Healing by Faith: What It Is and How to Do It, Part 1

Without our asking Him to do it…while we were still living in sin and rebellion…Jesus paid the price for our forgiveness. With His own blood, He paid the debt we owed to God for every sinful thing we have ever done…or will ever do.

Topic: healing faith spiritual gifts beliefs

Receive Your Healing by Faith: What It Is and How to Do It, Part 2

As simple as that may sound, we receive healing from God the same way. We take Him at His Word. We believe we are healed, not because we feel healed or look healed at this moment but because God said we are.

Topic: healing faith spiritual gifts beliefs

Prayer for Your Pet

We love our pets and want God’s blessing and protection over them.

Topic: family protection healing faith

5 Ways to Add More Joy to Your Day

Everyone has days when they need more joy to embrace the life God has given them. In fact, some of Paul’s final words of encouragement included the command, “Always be joyful” (1 Thessalonians 5:16). If you need to give your day a shot of joy, here are five ways to do it.

Topic: peace Stress thankfulness healing strength emotions

Scriptures to Help You Stand Strong Against the Flu

If you are determined to stand strong against the flu, or you are currently feeling the symptoms of the flu, here are 10 scriptures to help you stand strong against it.

Topic: healing strength truth bible

Stepping Into Supernatural Weight Loss

This is the time of year when many people are making New Year’s resolutions. And no doubt, a number of those resolutions center around losing weight.

Topic: healing choices bible wisdom

Confession When You Receive a Bad Health Report

You can trust in God’s Word to bring healing when you pray scriptures about whatever illness you are facing.

Topic: healing faith adversity courage emotions victory

VIDEO: Obey God’s Word—Receive God’s Protection

Psalm 91 provides healing and protection promises that were written for our benefit. Follow Gloria Copeland as she encourages you to speak the Word of God and believe His love to heal and protect you.

Topic: healing faith fear protection

VIDEO: We Are Receivers

Gloria Copeland discusses Psalm 145 in relation to healing. God is looking for a heart that will receive all the good He wants to give. It can be YOU!

Topic: healing children Christian Walk family forgiveness prayer repentance

VIDEO: Take Your Healing

If you’re a born-again child of God, the Word of God says that Jesus has already provided everything you need to be healed in your physical body. In this video, Gloria Copeland teaches you how to take the healing that belongs to you!

Topic: healing faith prayer fear

VIDEO: Prayer and Confession From Head to Toe

Join Kenneth Copeland as he demonstrates how to believe and speak to your body for complete healing from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.

Topic: healing prayer faith beliefs

VIDEO: How to Live Bold Beyond Uncertainty

You don't have to be timid in your faith. You can be BOLD! Join Jeremy Pearsons as he shows you how you can be confident in the Lord...beyond the shadow of a doubt!

Topic: faith fear adversity healing confidence courage Christian Walk strength

God Wants Me Well!

Speak this Bible-based confession confirming: God wants you well!

Topic: healing

Freedom From Sin and Death

As a believer, sin and death hold nothing over you! Speak the Truth today.

Topic: healing

Trust God for Your Healing

Speak this confession about putting your trust in God...because He cares for you!

Topic: healing

Believe and Receive Your Healing!

Believe your spiritual eyes--not your natural eyes. Speak to the mountain you're facing with the Word.

Topic: healing

I Am Healed!

You are healed...because the Word says so! Say it aloud and don't back down!

Topic: healing

A Confession and Prayer for Your Healing

The power of sickness has been broken over your life. Say it aloud today!

Topic: healing prayer

Live in Divine Health When You Say What the Word Says

It's God's will for you to live in divine health. Speak these scriptures affirming that Truth now.

Topic: healing prayer

A Prayer for Health and Healing

Because God's words are life to us and health to all our flesh, this prayer has been filled with the Word—and what God has to say about your health and healing.

Topic: prayer healing

A Prayer to Receive Your Healing

Start using this prayer as you stand for your healing and continued health each and every day.

Topic: prayer healing

A Simple Prayer for Healing

Satan has no right to touch your spirit, your soul or your body. Pray this very simple prayer for healing.

Topic: prayer healing

5 Ways Faith Will Change Your Life

God is calling people from all denominations to live a life of power.

Topic: faith spiritual growth bible healing

Receive Your Complete Healing!

Pray this prayer for your health and healing--spirit, soul and body--because God wants you well!

Topic: prayer healing

Lies Christians Believe about Healing #1

There are a lot of religious traditions floating around the Church today that are just plain wrong. For years, Christians have believed these lies about all sorts of things. They’ve even gone as far as to lift them up as holy.

Topic: truth healing

Lies Christians Believe About Healing #2

Lie #2: God puts sickness on you to teach you something.

Topic: truth healing

Lies Christians Believe About Healing #3

Lie #3: Sometimes sickness is a blessing in disguise.

Topic: truth healing

Lies Christians Believe About Healing #4

Lie #4: Healing has passed away.

Topic: truth healing

Lies Christians Believe About Healing #5

Lie #5: If it's God's will, I'll be healed.

Topic: healing truth

Lies Christians Believe About Healing #6

Lie #6: It's sometimes God's will for people to die young.

Topic: truth healing

What to Do When a New Christian Needs Healing

You can receive your healing now by putting a key spiritual principle to work.

Topic: new believer healing love

Tired of Waiting for Your Healing?

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have witnessed the truth of these steps throughout their lives and ministry.

Topic: healing faith

Do You Really Need Anti-Anxiety Medication?

You can have peace, regardless of what is going on around you. Consider these steps for implementing God’s peace in your life.

Topic: anxiety healing faith prayer

How Do I Stay Healed?

“With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation” (Psalm 91:16). The Bible has a lot to say about God’s will concerning our lives here on earth—how we are to live and for how long. God has a good, long life planned for us.

Topic: healing love

Does God Want Me Healed?

God does not play favorites. It is His will and desire for you to be healed. Period. See scriptural proof.

Topic: healing

How Can I Be Healed?

Once you hear the Word of God and decide to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, there is no power that can stop the change taking place on the inside of you. It is the same way with healing. You receive everything from the Lord the same way—by faith.

Topic: healing faith

I Have Prayed for My Healing. Why Is It Taking So Long?

As you put God’s prescription for health to work in your life—putting the Word in your heart, speaking it out of your mouth and receiving it as truth—don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.

Topic: prayer healing

Does God Put Sickness on People to "Teach" Them Something?

Because of traditions of men, we have tried to tell the world that the God we serve has made us sick. But you have to believe that healing is yours and that it belongs to you.

Topic: healing

Jesus Died on the Cross for My Healing—What Does That Mean?

Understanding the truth of God’s Word concerning your healing will destroy Satan’s grip on your life.

Topic: jesus healing

How Do the Words I Speak Affect My Healing?

The words spoken from your mouth, whether good or evil, a blessing or a curse, will manifest themselves in your life. See how.

Topic: prayer healing

A Healing Prayer for Loved Ones

Release your faith and speak healing and life to someone you love.

Topic: prayer healing

A Healing Prayer for Your Friends

Speak to sickness and disease, and declare the victory for your friends--spirit, soul and body!

Topic: prayer relationships healing

A Healing Prayer for Your Children

By Jesus' stripes, your children are healed! Pray this Bible-based prayer over them today.

Topic: prayer children family healing

A Confession that Jesus Is Your Healer!

Confess the Lord is your healer...because in Him you ARE healed!

Topic: prayer healing

A Daily Dose of Healing Scriptures to Confess

Take the Word like medicine and confess each of these promises directly from the Word.

Topic: healing

Speak God's Will for Your Healing

What's God's will for you? Divine health! Let His Word bring life to your body as you speak this confession.

Topic: healing

Speak God's Truth for Your Total Healing

When you feel weak, the power of Christ is there to make you strong! Speak this confession of healing and know He has healed ALL your sickness and disease.

Topic: healing

A Confession for Healing and Wellness

You're no longer under the curse of the Law. Release your faith for healing today.

Topic: healing

4 Steps to Fighting Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety affects more than 40 million Americans. It is a debilitating illness, and it’s time for believers to get free from it. Here are four simple steps to fighting social anxiety.

Topic: relationships anxiety healing

Healing Scriptures for Health and Strength

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland want you to know God wants you well! Use these scriptures and confessions as you're standing for your health, healing and strength.

Topic: healing

VIDEO: Don’t Say Anything You Don’t Desire

Become aware of the impact your words have on your life. Speak God’s Word and His plan over yourself, or else learn the vocabulary of silence. Your life will change for the better.

Topic: faith sin truth healing

Real Help Topical Index | Drupal 10 Test (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.