The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

a a a a a a July 8, 1939 THE SHREVEPORT JOURNAL Page Eleven News of Ark-La-Tex Searcy Minister Heads Youth Body Rev. Fletcher Spruce Leads Arkansas Nazarenes El Dorado, Ark -Polling a large majority vote. the Rev. Fletcher Spruce of Searcy, was re-elected state president of the Nazarene Young People's society of Arkansax at the closing business session of the annual state convention here Friday afternoon. In addition the Rev.

Mr. Spruce also was named one of the five Arkansas delegates to the general Nazarene convention to be held in Kansas City in June, 1340. Other delegates chosen to represent the state at the general were: Rev. Holland convention. A.

J. Tosti and Rev. Ralph Carland, all of Little Rock; Rev. W. H.

Johnson of North Little Rock. Miss Dorothy Ryles of Blytheville, was re-elected to the office of secretary-treasurer. The convention was brought to a close with the final services Friday night. Approximately 200 delegates from 80 churches in Arkansas attended the two-day convention WAR was preceded by the nights of services at the Jocal Nazarene church. Revival Begins at Mansfield Sunday annual Baptist tabernacle meeting will commence Sunday, July 9, and continue through July 23 with two sessions daily except Saturdays.

The story hour will follow the afternoon session at 5 o'clock. Rev. Joseph Cohen, Christian Jew evangelist of Charleston, S. will do the preaching and Earl Robinson, music director of the First Baptist church, will have charge of the music. Mrs.

Hall 'Peyton and Mrs. A. N. Latham will preside at the two pianos and an orchestra will assist. the large chorus choir.

Miss Marie Tatum will be in charge of the story hour with an able corps or assistants. New Scout Troop Formed at Vivian Vivian. -A new Boy Scout troop, sponsored by the Men's Bible class of the Methodist church, was recently organized in Vivian. The success in forming this new troop 1g due Jargely to the efforts D. H.

Lawrence, commissioner of the Vivian district, and Scoutmaster N. L. McDow. The 10 charter members are Charles, Mitchell, McLean, Pete Francis Burland, McLeon, Harry Garrett. Fred' Browning, Jim Walker.

J. W. Sparwell, Harry Horne and Bob Caldwell. J. W.

Hill Is assistant scoutmaster of the troop which will probably be called troop 88. Meetings will be held every Friday night at 7:30 in the annex of the Methodist church. The troop committeemen are D. W. Thompson, chairman; J.

W. Gordon, R. B. Swain, George Cowden and H. Kibbe.

Miss Nancy Brown Is Wed to P. G. Durham Mansfield. Rev. and Mrs.

D. T. Brown announce the marriage of their daughter, Nancy, to P. G. Durham of Natchitoches.

The wedding took place, Saturday, July 1. at Alexandria, the Rev. C. R. Shirrar, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church, being the celebrant.

The bride 1g a member of the graduating class of the summer session of the State Normal college. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. J. B. Durham and the late Rev.

Durham of Natchitoches. where the happy young couple will make their home. Thrill to the mosphere of Old Mexico at the Plaza Cafe. Mexi. can dishes to suit your taste.

PLAZA CAFE 137 Kings Highway at Centenary J. C. Strange Dies at Atlanta From Crash Injuries Atlanta, Texas. J. C.

Strange, 37, of Atlanta died here Thursday in the Ellington Memorial hospital as a of injuries received in an automobile accident near Dangerfield, Texas, on 4. Strange is survived by his widJuly, ow: three sons, J. C. Strange, my and Strange; three daughters, Laverne, Strange. Nelda Jo Strange Mrs.

James Beaver, all of Atlanta; one sister, Mrs. W. H. Harris of Gilmer, Texas. Funeral services will be held in the Hughes Springs Baptist church Friday.

Dr. P. F. Spyres, pastor of the Atlanta First Baptist church, will officiate. Interment in the Hughes Springs cemetery was under the direction of Hanner funeral service of Atlanta, Meeting Held by Singing Group San Augustine, -At A meeting of the Six-County Singing association at the San Augustine county courthouse with representatives present from Shelby, Sabine, Nacogdoches and San Augustine counties, Timpson, in Shelby county, was selected as the town in which to hold the summer singing normal being sponsored by the association.

The purpose of the meetwas to receive bids on the norins, from any town or community in the six counties composing the association. which Sabine, Shelby. Six-CountySinging, Nacogdoches, Jasper. Angelina and San Augustine counties. After considering bids from several music companies the Hartford Music Co.

of Hartford, was chosen to conduct the school. which is to be held the latter part of July and the first part of August for a period of 20 days. Hemphill, in Sabine county, Timpson presented bids, but Hemphill withdrew its bid with the understanding that it he allowed to hold the normal next year. Each community sending students to the school is to furnish transportation and those unable commute will find reasonable board and room accommodations in Timpson, according to representatives from Timpson who were at the meeting. Officers of the singing association are Hayes of Center, president; Long of Furman, San Augustine, treasurer, and R.

N. Stripling of San Augustine, secretary. Miss Dorothy Frazier Is Bride of Early Cook Mansfield. Miss Dorothy Frazier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Frazier. and Earl Cook. son of Mr. and Mrs. D.

J. Cook, were married, o'clock Saturday at the afternoon, Catholic July rectory, Rev. B. A. Scallan being the celebrant.

The bride wore a navy blue sheer with accents of white and blue accessories. Her corsage was of white split carnations and Sweetheart roses. Only a few intimate friends witnessed the solemn service. Following a short wedding trip to Houston, Texas, Mr. And Mrs.

Cook returned to Mansfield to make their home at an apartment in the J. M. Nabors' home en Polk street. WEDDING ANNOUNCED. -Miss Maxine Chandler surprised her friends when she was married.

to William F. Rogers of Shreveport Tuesday, July 4. in Shreveport. Rogers is the ler. daughter Mr.

of Rogers Mr. is and the Mrs. L. Chandson and Mrs. W.

F. Rogers of Ruston, and is now a resident of Shreveport, where the young couple will make their home after July 30. SINGING AT MARTIN. The Red River parish singing convention will be held at Martin on Sunday, beginning at 2 o'clock and in the the afternoon. All singers general public are invited.

TONIGHT ENJOY ARK-LA-TEX FINEST Biggest and Best Floor Show --at the 41 Club! Because the 41 Club operates on the policy of always giving its customers something new and entertaining we urge you to see our Floor Show tonight! You'll like it! Plenty Room to Dance Cover Charge 40c Each At the Fork of the Minden Road Old Blossom Heath Location We Are Closed On Sunday Rites for Accident Victim at Pelican Mrs. H. O. Smith to Be Buried on Sunday Funeral services for Mrs. H.

O. Smith, 70 years old, of Lancaster, Texas, who was instantly killed in an automobile accident which occurred on Friday afternoon, three near, miles Saline Clarence bayou on highway 71, will be held at Pelican Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, with interment at Two Churches cemetery. The body is being held at the Blanchard funeral home pending the arrival of a daughter, Mrs. Paul Taylor of Bunkie, and a sister, Mrs. Smith Pelican, and relatives from Lancaster.

Dr. Bertha Evans, 50 years old. of Los Angeles, daughter of the dead woman, who was driving the car, stated to Dr. M. H.

Phelps, parish coroner, who held the inquest, that she did not know what happened. When approaching the bridge, the machine suddenly veered from the road. struck A hummock ont he side and hurtled 50 feet across the bayou, landing on the radiator. It turned over several times, pinning the occupants beneath. Mrs.

Smith was dead when removed from the wreckage. Dr. Evans is in the local hospital. No X-rays have been made as yet, and her condition is undetermined. She suffered a possible fracture of an ankle and severe lacerations of the scalp.

Mrs. Smith and Dr. Evans were en routet rom Lancaster to visit Mrs. Smith's daughter, Mrs. Taylor, at Bunkie.

DEATHS RITES FOR AN INFANT. Atlanta, Texas. -Funeral services were held Tuesday at Cornett community near here tor the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.

H. Golden of Hughes Springs. RITES FOR AN INFANT. Atlanta, Texas. -Funeral services were held Tuesday at Smyrna for the infant son of Mr.

and Mrs. Lee Foster. RITES FOR W. P. PRICE.

services for W. P. Price who died Friday at A Shreveport hospital were to be held Saturday at Union cemetery. Besides the widow. he is survived by four sons, Johnny, George, Alvin and James, two daughters, Mary Ann Eloise.

RITES FOR MRS, A. M. MADDOX. services were held on July 5, 1939, at the Methodist church for Mrs. A.

M. Maddox, aged 46, who died at Zwolle. Rev. F. J.

Holladay of the Zwolle Methodist church conducted funeral services. She was laid to rest in Zwolle cemetery. Those surviving are her husband, A. M. Maddox; her Mrs.

G. W. Winslow: brothers, mother, George, Frank and Huston Winslow, and two sisters. Mrs. Marie Gray and Mrs.

F. Blair. MRS. W. T.

SANDERS RITES. Nacogdoches, Texas. Funeral services for Mrs. Eugenia Sanders, 79, widow of the late W. T.

Sanders, were beld at the Sanders home with Rev. J. R. Nutt, pastor of the First Baptist church in Lufkin, and Rev. Nunnally Burk, minister of Trawick, officiating.

Survivors are two daughters, Miss Virgie, R. Sanders L. of Perry Nacogdoches Lufkin; four sons. J. W.

Sanders and Eugene Sanders of Austin, J. D. Sanders of Jasper and P. A. Sanders of Nacogdoches, and five grandchildren, W.

Eugene and Philip Sanders, all of Austin. Mrs. S. S. Woodland of Tyler and Miss Jean Sanders of Nacogdoches.

JOHN SLAUGHTER DIES. El Dorado, Slaughter, 81, died Friday morning at the family home in Dunas City, northwest of El Dorado, following a short illness. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lucy Slaughter: four daughters, Mrs. C.

M. Lambert and Mrs. Lena Meggs, both of El Dorado, Mrs. Irene McGaugh of Smackover, and Mrs. Ettie Mae Taylor of Junetion City: two sons, Elzie and Charlie Slaughter, both of El Dorado: one sister, Mrs.

Stephens of El Dorado: one, halfsister, Mrs. Odessa Hays of Norphlet. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon in the chapel of the Barton funeral home, with interment to follow in the Slaughter Mausoleum in the Arlington cemetery. C. GLOVER JONES RITES.

El Dorado. services for C. Glover Jones, 41. of El Dorado, who died in a Little Rock hospital late Thursday afternoon. after a fortnight's illness, will be held at the First Baptist church here at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon.

Deceased, who was with the Rock Island railroad 29 years, is survived by one son. Jimmie Jones of El 1 Dorado: his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.

Jones of El Dorado: tiro sisters. Mrs. Molsie Clark of El Dorado, and Mrs. Kenneth W. Forbes of Jersey City, N.

two brothers, Smead and Frank Jones of El Dorado: two nephews, Hamp and Frank Jones, also of EI Dorado. OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED. El Dorado, of officers for the coming years. teatured the regular meeting of Wonder Rebekah Lodge No. 70 at the I.

0. 0. F. hall here. Officers installed follow: Dorithy Book.

noble grand: Ollve Ward, vice grand: Vera Forsythe, past grand: Ethel Tolbert, chaplain: Mable Prle. warden: Burke, conductor: Bertie Mae right Nelle, supporter to noble grand: Dorothy Dumas, left supporter to noble grand; Bertie Bell, right supporter to vice grand; Ila Bush, left supporter to vice grand; Edna Harrison, inside guardian; Fannie Walton, outside guardian; Agnes Freeman, musician: Bettie Tolbert, Mary Louise Harrison. Dorothy Forsythe and Lois Henry, banner bearers. Bur Clover Seed Is Saved by Farmers Keithville CCC Area Reports 33,424 Pounds Ten farmers in the Keithville CCC camp soil conservation demonstration area harvested more than 33.424 of bur clover seed from of seed multiplicapounds, tion plots during months of May and June, C. Dine.

camp agronomist reported today. Bur clover, a legume, is used by conservation farmers in the Keithville area AS a winter cover crop which protects the soil from the erosive action of heavy winter and early spring rains. It also is a soil improving crop. Mr. Van said that the production of 33,424 pounds of seed on 19 acres brought the average per acre yield to 1,700 pounds.

The greatest seed yield was secured by S. 0. Lawton, of the Greenwood community, who harvested 6.350 pounds from two and one- half acres for an average of 254 bushels per acre. "The farmers plan to utilize this seed to increase the acreage plantwinter cover crops," Mr. Van pinto stated.

The use of leguminous cover crops is one phase of the complete conservation program being established on farms in the Keithville demonstration. Other practices include the use of contour cultivation, strip crops, terraces and crop rotations on cultivated land and pasture improvement and woodland management. Miss Lucille Robinson Bride of C. B. Tanner, Sr.

-Or widespread interest to many friends in North Louisiana was the marriage June 29 of Miss Lucille Robinson, lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Robinson of Bernice and C. B. Tanner, prominent Bernice business man.

The couple were united in a quiet ceremony at El Dorado, Ark. Mrs. Tanner has been a popular member of the Bernice high school faculty for several years and is a graduate of Louisiana Tech. They will make their home in Bernice. REBUILDING BURNED MILL.

Logansport. The Logansport Lumber Co. is rebuilding its saw mill which was destroyed by fire about two weeks ago. Only the saw mill proper was destroyed and the sheds and dry kilns were left intact. The mill is situated on the Mansfield highway about a mile from town.

BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED. and Mrs. Vinson Hill Boyett of Waskom, Texas, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to John Weldon Thurmon, of Ruston, son of Dr. and Mrs. J.

W. Thurmon. The wedding will be solemnized in the home of the bride's parents at Waskom in late July. 9:00 Orientale, CBS 9:30 Major Bowes, CBS 10:30 Tabernacle Choir and Organ, CBS Mark's Episcopal Church 11:00 St. 12:00 Democracy in Action, CBS P.M.

12:30 It Goes Like This- CBS 1:00 Gershwin Memorial Concert, CE6 2:00 Tulsa vs. Shreveport 5:30 6:00 Musical Adventures Playhouse, of Ellery CBS Queen, CBS 7:00 Summer Hour, CBS 8:00 Summary Today's Game 8:00 Summary of Today's Game; Dreamers 8:15 Dance Hour 8:30 Eton Boys, CBS 8:15 Talk by Paul V. Mcnu*tt, CB8 9:00 Exchange Program, CBS 9:30 Henry King CBS 10:00 Sterling Young CBS 10:30 Sammy Kaye CBS 11:00 Today's Headline Review; Dance to 12. CBS Hudson Holiness Meeting July 13-23 Football Player Dies at Texarkana Overexertion in Swimming Fatal to C. R.

Osborne Texarka Charles Roderick Osborne. 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.

Osborne and a member of the Texarkana (Ark.) high school football team last season, died in a local hospital at 2:40 a. m. today of cerebral hemorrhage, induced, a physician said. by heat and over-exertion while in swimming. The youth left his home shortly after noon Friday and went to a swimming pool.

He returned four hours later complaining of violent headache and nausea. As his condition became worse, he was taken to a hospital where he died. I- addition to his parents, survivors include a sister, Tula Dean Osborne. Quarterly Meeting Is Held by Council Clarks. Fifty-three members, representing nine Caldwell parish Home Demonstration clubs, attended the quarterly meeting of the Caldwell Parish Council club, held at the courthouse in Columbia.

Rev. Gby. N. Winstead, Methodist pastor of Columbia, made a talk on "Civic Improvements" in which he correlated the social and moral improvements in the individual with the civic improvements. Mrs.

William Hammett of Kelly, who recently returned from a mo tor trip through the east, talked on "Beautification of the Highways." She described several the scenic drives made during her trip. Plans were made for the members to attend the club's short course at L. S. Baton Rouge, in August. Jack McClanahan and Holden Currey were selected as bus drivers for the motor trip.

The next meeting of the council club held on Sept. 29. At this meeting plans will be completed for the "Achievement Day" to be held by the club on Oct. 20. Williams Family Holds Reunion at Grand Cane Grand family of Mrs.

J. H. Williams and the late Rev. J. H.

Williams met at the home of Mrs. Williams in Grand Cane last week for a reunion. All six children were present, and most of them had their families. Those present were and Mrs. Curtis Williams and Elwin of Shreveport: Mr.

and Mrs. Johnnie Williams and and Mrs. Lewis Williams of New Iberia, Mr. and Mrs. M.

J. Williams and children, Mary Jane and James of Houma: Mrs. Willie Henry of Grand Cane; Mrs. Floyd Henry and David of Shreveport, and Mr. and Mrs.

Randolph Rushing and children, Margaret Ann and Mary Elizabeth of Joaquin. Texas, and Mrs. Williams. All grandchildren' were present except Frank Henry Houma and Floyd Henry of self Iberia. This was the first time in nine years that the family has all been together.

The week was spent conversing of happy days gone by and visiting other relatives and friends. On Tuesday the family, with an uncle. Clayton Williams, of port, and an aunt, Mrs. S. C.

Harris of Grand Cane. and Rev. and Mrs. Walter McCullen and family of Grand Cane enjoyed gathering around a barbecue pit in Mrs. Williams' back yard and partaking of various kinds of delicious barbecued meats.

New Band Leader for Atlanta, Texas Atlanta, -William H. Burnett, a senior in Baylor university, will serve as band director of Atlanta high school during the school term of 1939-1940, according to an announcement made here by D. T. Smith, superintendent of schools. Burnett is now earning his B.

A. degree in Baylor university. He is majoring in music. He played four years in Baylor university band. Smith said that the director would report for duty Sept.

1. BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED. and Mrs. W. Rogers announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Ella Florence, to Richard Leroy Edelen of Shreveport, son of Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Edelen of Monroe. The marriage will be solemnized July 29, 1939.

LOGANSPORT REVIVAL. 10-day revival will start at the Baptist church, Sunday with the pastor, Rev. E. La. Vance, doing the preaching, assisted by Traxel Stephens of Shreveport, who will have charge of the music.

JUST FATE. Philadelphia (A). -Justice finally overtook a mouse which baffled police for a week by stealing bird seed from the cage of their pet canary, Caught in the act by Clerk Charles Kelly, the mouse scurried for hiding, flopped into a pail of water and drowned. MIN-A-GOLF Watermelon Garden Ice Cold Watermelon Slice A Nice Place for Nice People OPEN 6 A. M.

TILL MIDNIGHT Greenwood and Mansfield Roads -The Hudson Holiness camp meeting will begin on Thursday night, July 13, and will continue through Sunday night, July 23, according, to announcement by Payne, secretary. The Hudson Holiness Camp Meeting association was organized 40 years ago, and Rev. W. M. D.

Gaar, deceased, was among the major parties sponsoring same. The Hudson camp meeting has played an outstanding role in the religious de velopment of this section of Winn parish. The meeting ground 16 situated six miles east of Dodson. easily accessible on graveled highway and yearly attracts large number of visitors from various sections. It is an interdenominational organization, and is operated on a self-sustaining plan.

This year Rev. C. B. Fugett, noted evangelist of Ashland, J. Rev.

E. Gaas of Des Moines, Iowa, Rev. and Mrs. Jack McClung of Jonesboro, and Ward B. Chandlers of Marksville will have charge of the services.

Meadows-Draughon Student Officers The student body of Meadows-Draughon college, by secret ballot, recently elected the above as the student-body officers. Reading from left to right: Miss Kathleen Cheatham of Haynesville, secretary-treasurer: Aubrey Flowers of Ida, president; Miss Helen Lee of Homer, vice president. RADIO WMAD WON WEAA WEAR KMOX WLW WENR KDKA KRLD KWKH WOAI KRAD KTES WEBM 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 For the convenience of Journal readers 8 selection of out-of-town programs is given below. These programs can be heard on the stations shown on the dial above. Programs on Out-of-Town Stations Saturday P.M.

(Subject to Sunday Change) P.M. (Subject to Change) 6:00 Symphony, KDKA Edgar Bergen, WMAQ, WSM, 6:00 Tropical Serenade, WGN WFAA, WLW Jimmy Dorsey KDKA, WL.W Ellery Queen, KMOX, WRLD, Dick Tracy, WBAP, WMAQ. WSM WBRM 7:00 Hollywood Play WENR. 6:30 To be announced, WSM, WFAA A KDKA. W8M.

WLW. WFAA Prof. WBBM, KRLD, KMOX Merry-Go-Round. WMAQ Summer Hour, KRLD, WEBM. Brent House, KDKA KMOX Red Skelton, WLW, WMAQ 7:30 Edwin C.

HIll, WENR, WLW. 7:00 Hit Parade, WBBM, KMOX, KRLD KDKA Barn Dance, KDKA, WLW Familiar Music, W8M, WMAQ, Vox Pop, WMAQ WFAA 7:45 Irene Rich, WENR, KDKA, WLW 7:30 Arch Oboler Play, WMAQ, WBAP 8:00 The Circle, WMAQ, W8M, WLW, Saturday Night Serenade, KMOX, WFAA WBBM Hour, WGN 8:00 Benny Goodman Knickerbocker Playhouse, KMOX, WLW, WBAP WBBM. KRLD 8:30 H. V. Kaltenborn, WBBM Talk by Congressman Fish, KDKA Organ, KRLD, KMOX 8:30 Dancing, WGN Cheerio, KDKA, WENR 9:00 Barn Dance, WBAP From Brazil, KRLD.

KMOX 9:00 Edwin C. Hill, WSM, WBAP Freddy Martin WGN News, WMAQ. KDKA, WENR 9:15 Irene Rich, WBAP, WSM Del Courtney's KRLD, KMOX News: Dance, KDKA. WENR 9:30 Dance to 12, NBC, CBS, MBS Aldrich Family, WSM 10:00 News, WLW 10:00 Dance to 12, NBC, CBS, MBS News, WLW Sunday's Radio Headliners Press news Gershwin Memorial concert: Paul Whiteman's orchestra; Deems Taylor, critic; Jane Froman, songs; Roy Bargy, pianoKWKH. Maria hour: Story of St.

Regina-KRMD; Baseball: Shreveport vs. Froman, soprano; Jan Pearce, tenor: Erno Rapee's orchestra-KWKH; Bandwagon: Dance music KTBS. Bergen, ventriloquist; Don Ameche, director; Dorothy Lamour, songs; Donald Dickson, baritone; Robert Armbruster's orchestra; Tony Galento, boxer- TBS; drama: Ellery QueenKWKH. Jim Ameche and Gale Page -KTBS; Summer hour: James Melton. tenor: Francis White, soprano; Don Voorhes' orchestra; Patricia Gilmore, songs; Ukrainian -KWKH.

Circle, variety: Lawrence Tibbett, baritone; Madeleine Carroll, actress; Groucho and Chico Marx; Robert Emmett Dolan's orchestra-KTBS. Paul V. Mcnu*tt, U. S. high commissioner of the Philippines-KWKH.

C. Hill, commentator-KTBS. Rich, drama-KTBS. Family, comedy-KTBS. P.M.

(Subject to Change) 5:00 Monitor Views the News 5:15 Johnny Hodges orch. 5:30 Five Stars 5:45 Freddie Berren orch. 6:00 Dinner Dance Music: Places to Go; Interlude 6:15 News; Pop Concert 6:30 Serenade in Syncopation 6:45 Sportscast 7:00 Gene Austin 7:15 This Rhythmic Age 7:30 News: Playboys 7:45 Hal Greyson orch. 8:00 George Hamilton orch. 8:30 Request Hour 9:30 News: Interlude 9:45 Jungle Jim Sunday A.M.

(Subject to Change) 8:45 String Serenade 9:00 Highland Baptist Quartet 9:15 Rainbow Trio 9:30 Kay Kyser 9:45 Four Square Bible Class 10:45 Gypsy String Ensemble 11:00 Modern Salon Group: Highland Church: Sunday Serenade 12:00 Your Attention, Please P.M. 12:15 Noonday News: Interlude 12:30 Luncheon Melodies Seger Ellis' orch. 1:00 Benny Goodman's orch. 1:15 Mildred Bailey 1:30 Dance Varieties 2:00 Ave Maria Hour 2:30 Harmony Hall 2:45 Rhythm Rascals 3:00 Request Program 4:00 Van Alexander orch. 4:15 George Hall and Dolly Dawn 4:30 Hit Revue 5:00 Sunday Matinee 5:15 Evening News: Interlude 5:30 Artie Shaw's Music 5:45 Bing Crosby 6:00 Stan Meyers orch.

6:15 Take It Easy; Pop Concert 6:30 Organaires 6:45 Dinner Dance 7:00 Kate Smith: In Shreveport; Interlude 7:15 Tom Doring orch. 7:30 News: Interlude 7:45 Chapel Singers 8:00 First Baptist Church KTBS KRMD Saturday Saturday P.M. (Subject to Chanze) 5:00 Larry Clinton NBC; Sports 5:30 Glenn Miller NBC 6:00 Dick Tracy, NBC 6:30 Brent House, NBC 7:00 Saturday Night Varieties 7:30 Arch Obler's Plays, NBC 8:00 Benny Goodman NBC 8:30 Charlie Barnett 'NBC 9:00 National Barn Dance, NBC Rudy Vallee NBC 10:15 Reporter: What's the Scare? Musical Interlude 10:30 Dance to 12, NBC Sunday A.M. (Subject to Chang?) 8:00 Highlights the Bible, 8:30 Barry McKinley, Baritone, NEGRO 8.45 Kidoodlers, NBC 3:00 News; Romance Melodies, NBC 9:30 Julio Martinez Oyar NBC 9:45 Vernon Crane's Story Book. NBC 10:00 Walter Logan's Musicale, NBC FOLKS, IT'S THE NU- TAVERN Now! With the Bell Hops No Cover Charge Before 8:30 Afterwards 25c Per Person Logansport Lions' Officers Installed J.

Stewart, member of the Lions club of Shreveport, was the installing officer for the recently elected officials of the Logansport Lions club. 0. E. Price is the new president; 0. B.

Silver, first -vice president; J. 0. Pace, second vice president; Francis H. Alston, secretary; J. W.

Caraway, treasurer; LeRoy Gaston, tail-twister, and Kelly Averett, Lion tamer. C. Beasley, retiring president, gave account of his stewardship, outlining the aims and projects accomplished. Plans were discussed for sending another delegation to Baton Rouge to consult with the new governor about paring this end of the Shreveport highway. Bullding of a canning plant for this area is on the program for the coming year.

a NEW OFFICERS NAMED. El Dorado, -New officers were elected at the monthly meeting of the Union County League union held at the Parkers chapel church. The new officers, to be Installed at the Aug. 7 meeting at the Centennial Methodist church follow: Francis Christie of Junction City, president; Elaine Bateman of Smackover, vice president; Josephine Henson, Parkers chapel, secretary; Janie Redick of Norphlet, treasurer, and Mary Bob Jean of El Dorado, reporter. NEW TIME TONIGHT A Full Half- Hour With BENNY GOODMAN The World's Greatest Swing Band And BERT PARKS KTBS 8:00 p.

C. S. T. ON THE AIR FOR CAMEL CIGARETTES 10.30 On Your Job. NBC 11:00 First Presbyterian Church 12:00 Sunday Dinner at Aunt Fannie's, NBC P.M.

12:30 University of Chicago Round Table, NBC 1:00 Orchids to You; Sunday Drivers, NBC 1:30 Name the Place, NBC 2:00 Sunday Vespers, NBC 2:30 World Is Yours, NBC 3:00 Hall of Fun, NBC 3:30 Jimmy Dorsey NBC 3:45 Wayne King orch. 4:00 Catholic Hour, NBC 4:30 Guy Lombardo 5:00 Concert Hall of the Air 5:30 Summer Bandwagon, NBC 6:00 Don Ameche. NBC 7:00 Hollywood Playhouse, NBC 7:30 Album of Familiar Music, NBC 8:00 The Circle, NBC 9:00 Edwin C. Hill, Commentator, NBC 9:15 Irene Rich, NBC 9:30 Aidrich Family, 9:30 Aldrich Family, NBC 10:00 Dance to 12, NBC P.M. (Subject to Change) 5:00 Americans at Work, CBS 5:30 County Seat, CBS 6:00 News: Columbia Concert CBS 6:30 Professor Quiz, CB8 7:00 Hit Parade, CBS 7:45 Saturday Night Serenade, CBS 8:15 West Remembers, CBS 8:45 Doris Rhodes, CBS 9:00 Del Courtney CB6 9:30 Barry Wood orch.

CBS 10:00 Harry James CB8 10:30 Bob Crosby CBS 11:00 Today's Headline Review; Dance to 12, CBS Sunday A.M. (Subject to Change) 8:00 Church of the Air, CBS 8:30 Church of Christ KWKH Saturday Dance at Lake DANCE TONIGHT Featuring Bill Prentiss and His Orchestra LAKE CLIFF NIGHT CLUB AIR COOLED 3115 Milam Street FOR YOUR Cover Charge 40c Per Person SUMMER DANCE WHERE THERE ARE COMFORT NO JITTERBUGS! Dance at Lake Cliff FINEST BONDED WHISKIES FOOD THAT YOU'LL ENJOY SLUR Whoop It Up, Cowgirls! A Glass Hat Success 'THE ARIZONA RANCH GIRLS" (The Five Ard Sisters In Musical Whoopee) IONE LORAINE CLARINE POLLY ANN 2 DINKY Hear them on radio station KWKH at 12:45 daily and then come to the Glass Hat and see them do their stuff. The most entertaining group of sisters ever presented in the South. The Glass AlsoHat THE EVER POPULAR Is Air Ellis Cooled Continuous entertainment from 5 p. m.

till midnight every night Your favorite co*cktail on the FREE house at 5:15 p. m. daily. GLASS HAT CROCKETT AT MARSHALL FREE PARKING AT HODGES' GARAGE.

The Shreveport Journal from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Views: 6163

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.